Local Nuclear Attack
- Seek Shelter Immediately: Your best chance of survival after a nuclear blast is to get into a robust structure as quickly as possible. Avoid getting in a car, as vehicles offer little protection from fallout radiation.
- Stay Indoors and Stay Put: Once you’re in a shelter, stay there and avoid going outside. Thick walls and below-ground areas provide the best protection from fallout radiation.
- Listen to Emergency Broadcasts: Tune in to emergency broadcasts using a hand-cranked radio. Emergency providers will broadcast instructions, track the fallout cloud, and identify safe corridors for escape.
- Wait Before Venturing Outside: Gamma radiation levels decrease exponentially after a nuclear blast as radioactive isotopes decay. Waiting 12 to 24 hours before venturing outside can significantly reduce your exposure to harmful radiation.
- Consider Shelter Quality: If you’re in a flimsy shelter, consider moving to a stronger one or a basement for better protection.